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Ling He

Title:Ph.D., Associate Professor



Individual/Group Introduction
Education and Position

2009.09-2015.07, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, majored in Organic Chemistry, Ph.D

2005.09-2009.07, College of Chemistry, Sichuan University, majored in Applied Chemistry, B.S. 

Research Interest

New synthetic methodology

Medicinal chemistry

Awards and Grants

Grants and fundings

National Natural Science Foundation of China (21702023), 2018.1-2020.12.

Representative articles

1.  Zhang, C.; Yang, J.; Zhou, W.; Tan, Q.; Yang, Z.; He, L.*; Zhang, M.* Enantioselective Mannich Reaction of Glycine Iminoesters with NPhosphinoyl Imines: A Bifunctional Approach. Org. Lett. 201921, 8620−8624.

2.  Zhang, Q.; Xu, D.; Yang, J.; He, L.*; Zhang, M.* Construction of the A/B/C Core of Mexicanolides via a Tandem Double-aldol Reaction. Tetrahedron Lett. 201960, 150992.

3.  Jiang, D.; Tang, P.; Tan, Q.; Yang, Z.; He, L.*; Zhang, M.* Enantioselective Alkynylation of Isatins: A Combination of Metal Catalysis and Organocatalysis. Chem. Eur. J. 202026, 15830–15834.

4.  Tan, Q.; Wang, X.; Fu, L.; He, L.*; Zhang, M.* Stereoselective Allylation of Isatinimines with γ-Substituted Allylboronic Acids.